The Lansing Center
333 E Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI, 48933, UnitedStates
Floorplan is subject to change. Please indicate your top 3 booth location choices in the Preferred Booth Info section below. (Carpet is not included)
Lunch choices available: Boxed Lunch, Student Award Luncheon, or lunch on your own. Please choose below.
PLEASE NOTE | Exhibitors may share booth space with other vendors with prior consent from the MAB. The primary vendor must pay the full booth rate. Sublet vendors must be registered with the MAB and pay a sublet fee of $159, which includes one full conference registration. Sublet vendors will be included in the exhibitor listings in the conference program and on booth signs.
Companies and vendors that are not registered are prohibited from canvassing, soliciting or engaging in business at the Great Lakes Media Show. Any company or vendor found to be soliciting without being registered will be expelled from the event.
All registered exhibitors will need to review the online exhibitor kit which includes an exhibitor badge/conference registration form, hotel information, telephone and electrical service forms, updates and other pertinent information. Order forms from the Show Service Contractor for additional rental furnishings andservices also will be included. The kit will be available February 5, 2018.
Contact Jacquelen Timm at 517-484-7444 or for more information. Learn more at
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